
Question for written answer to the European Commission on inadequate physical activity of adolescents

According to a new study by the World Health Organisation, the level of physical activity of teenagers in Greece is inadequate, as it is below the world average and is deteriorating.
The study, which analyses data from 1.6 million participants, shows that, while in 2001 Greece ranked 59th – out of 146 countries in the world – with 83.6% of pupils not taking enough physical exercise, by 2016 it had dropped to 87th place (84.5%). The results are similar for several other EU Member States. Researchers point out that inadequate daily physical activity undermines the health of young people. Regular and adequate physical activity promotes cardiovascular, pulmonary and muscular health, as well as psychological wellbeing and normal socialisation.
Equally worrying are the results of the research conducted by the Greek University Mental Health Research Institute (2018).

In view of the above, will the Commission say:

  1. With respect to the principle of subsidiarity, what synergies could the Commission develop with Member States to promote physical activity for young people?
  2. Given that the digital revolution means that many young people live a sedentary life, how could the Commission promote physical activity through the use of new technologies?

Full text here

Answer given by Ms Gabriel on behalf of the European Commission here